MEF 2025 will be held on April 16-17, 2025 at KFC Hall, Ryogoku, Tokyo

The MEMS Engineer Forum (MEF) is a unique forum, organized by engineers among the key players in the field, aiming to provide an overview of the current state of MEMS technology, which is a core technology for the 21st century, and the future of the technology through the next decade. 


The 16th annual MEF2025 starting its debut in March 2009 will bring together engineers from worldwide with their unique perspectives and skills in the basic MEMS technologies and other related areas to enhance a new stream both in business and technology development. 


The previous MEF2024 was visited by 887 participants from 14 countries attending two days. The exhibition, which will be held in conjunction with the conference, has attracted 52 exhibitors in the past, along with 24 sponsors, and has deepened the exchange of technology and people.


We plan to continue to offer the next MEF2025 mainly as an on-site event, but will also make online lectures and participation available for those who are not able to make it to the venue. We would like to invite all lecturers to come to the venue and interact with other lecturers, participants, exhibitors, and sponsors as much as possible.


Participants will include technology managers, university researchers, consultants, and financiers from around the world who are involved in MEMS technology development and business.


We hope that open discussions among engineers and researchers from industry and academia will be held at the MEF, and that by contributing to the enhancement and advancement of MEMS technology, we will make a further contribution to the lasting development of the MEMS industry worldwide.

The 15th MEF was visited by 887 participants

The 15th MEMS Engineer Forum (MEF) was visited by 887 participants from 14 regions at the conference venue and viewed live by 337 audience remote for two-days in total. 

We would like to express our sincere appreciation to all speakers, exhibitors, sponsors, committee members,  and the participants for their support to MEF 2024.


★Summary of MEF2024

Conference Name: 15th MEMS Engineer Forum (MEF)

Date: Wednesday, April 17 - Thursday, April 18, 2024

Number of keynote/invited speakers: 20 from 8 regions

Number of exhibitors: 52 companies and institutions

Sponsors: 24 companies and institutions

Number of exhibitor presentations: 32 companies

Number of participants: 887 two-day total participants (plus 337 Live online participants for two-day total)


★MEF2024 Program Handout (downloadable)

Click here.


The next MEF is scheduled for April 16-17, 2025 at the KFC Hall.

We look forward to seeing you again at the next conference.


Chairman, MEF Organizing Committee

Shuji Tanaka, Tohoku University


Chairman, MEF International Advisory Committee

Hiroki Kuwano, Tohoku University


4月17日~18日にKFC(両国)にて開催されました、第15回MEMS Engineer Forum(MEF)では、2日間延べで、14地域887名の方々に会場にご来場を賜り、ご聴講ならびに展示会場をご参観頂きました。また、Liveオンラインでは同337名の方に視聴を頂きました。謹んで御礼申し上げます。会場の収容人数の関係から、一般の会場参加の事前登録を4月9日に締め切り、オンライン視聴に切り替えさせて頂きましたことご容赦ください。



会合名:第15回MEMS Engineer Forum (MEF)






参加者数:2日間累計参加者  887名(別途 2日間合計337名online視聴)








MEF組織委員会チェアマン  東北大学 田中 秀治

MEF国際諮問委員会チェアマン  東北大学 桑野 博喜

MEF 2024 Program Handout

April 17-18, 2024

MEF 2024 Program Handout


The information includes welcome message, program schedule, committee organization, exhibitors/sponsors list, speech abstracts and speakers biography, and advertisement of exhibitors and sponsors.


MEF 2024のプログラムハンドアウトをご覧いただけます。


In-person registration is closed.  Please register for online participation.

The 15th MEMS Engineer Forum (MEF)

in-person format at KFC Hall, Tokyo on April 17-18, 2024

The MEMS Engineer Forum (MEF) is a unique forum, organized mainly by engineers who are key players in this field, to explore the current status of MEMS technology, which is considered the core technology of the 21st century, and the future of the technology up to the next decade. The MEF, bringing together MEMS researchers, developers, and engineers from around the world, has been held since its inception in March 2009, and the MEF 2024 will be the 15th annual event.


  The previous MEF (MEF2023) welcomed more than 660 participants over the two days. In addition, 42 organizations and companies exhibited at the technical exhibition held concurrently with the symposium, exceeding the number of previous years, and 32 companies supported the symposium as sponsors.

  In the 15th MEF2024, we will continue to formulate and integrate new forms of basic MEMS technologies and technologies in adjacent fields with the viewpoints and skills of engineers, through both the symposium and the accompanying technology exhibition. Furthermore, our mission is to verify the process of fusion and its completion on an international level.

  The MEF will provide an opportunity for active technical and human exchange by inviting speakers from the world's top business management, researchers and technical managers in charge of advanced technology development, and startups.

  We look forward to seeing you at MEF2024, which will be held on April 17-18, 2024, at KFC Hall in Ryogoku, Tokyo.

 MEMS Engineer Forum (MEF)は、21世紀のコアテクノロジーとされるMEMS技術の現状と、向こう10年までの技術の将来に迫る、この分野のキープレイヤーとなるエンジニアを中心に運営されるユニークな場です。世界中のMEMS研究者、開発者、技術者が一堂に集うMEFは、2009年3月の初開催以降、回を重ね、2024年のMEFは第15回開催となります。





What's New

March 5, 2024- Registration for MEF 2024 started.  Join the 15th MEF to expand your networking among the professionals in MEMS engineering value chain from the world. Click here for online registration.


MEMS Engineer Forum (MEF)2024

4月17日(水)~18日(木) 東京両国 KFCホール


April 19-20, 2023

MEF 2023 Program Handout


The information includes welcome message, program schedule, committee organization, exhibitors/sponsors list, speech abstracts and speakers biography, and advertisement of exhibitors and sponsors.


MEF 2023のプログラムハンドアウトをご覧いただけます。


Visit the past MEFs.



Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

Bronze Sponsors


Regular Exhibitors

Venture Exhibitors

Academia Exhibitors