Internet of Things and Sensor Systems


Dr. Joerg Froemel and Dr. Thomas Gessner

Assoc. Prof. / Advanced Institute for Materials Research 

Fraunhofer Project Center for

MEMS/NEMS devices and manufacturing technologies

Tohoku University 



In the Vision of an Internet of Things interconnected Smart Systems play an important role. Smart systems combine not only data processing with sensing, actuating and communication, they address the demand for miniaturized multifunctional devices and specialized connected and interacting solutions. Multidisciplinary approaches featuring devices for complex solutions and making use of shared and, increasingly, self-organizing resources are among the most ambitious challenges.

The presentation will give an overview on actual developments. Examples for the application of Smart Systems and integrated sensors will be shown like nanocomposites applied for structural-health monitoring systems and sensor systems for power grid monitoring. 



Joerg Froemel studied Electrical Engineering with speciality in the field of micro systems technologies and received the Doctor Degree of Engineering from Chemnitz University of Technology. He joined Fraunhofer Gesellschaft in its Institute for Reliability and Microintegration (IZM) and later Institute for Electronic Nanosystems (ENAS) in 2002 and served as deputy department manager. In 2015 he was appointed as Assoc. Prof. in Tohoku University and is working in the Fraunhofer Project Center for MEMS/NEMS and manufacturing technologies at Advanced Institute for Materials Research, a joint initiative of Tohoku University and Fraunhofer. He is member of IEEE (The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers), EDS (Electron Devices Society) and 3DS-IC Semiconductor Equipment and Materials International (SEMI) Standards Committee.  

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