IoT/M2M Systems for Social Infrastructure

Dr. Taizo Kinoshita

Vice President, IoT Business Div.

Hitachi, Ltd.



木下 泰三 氏


IoTビジネス事業部 事業主管



IoT market is expected for every types of business.

Target devices reach up to trillion machine target  that is 200 times as  worldwide human population.

These target is clustered by Static and Real time data.  And  real time data is also clustered by 2 categories of H2M and M2M.

This paper especially  focused on these M2M real time data and also especially explain  social infrastructure use cases shown with tiny MEMS sensor devices.




Taizo Kinoshita was joined in Central Research Lab. of  Hitachi in 1981.He got a Doctor Degree of Engineering from Nagoya university. Until 2000, he engaged in the research for Optical and Mobile Ultra high speed network system.  And also he pushed ahead with digital multimedia system like HDTV video sensing and transmission solutions. He established Hitachi corporate venture company for Wireless M2M system in 2006. And IoT/M2M solution named  ‘AirSense’ series were main products for Japanese Social infrastructure market domain. He is also Director of ‘New Generation M2M consortium’ as Japanese nationwide enlightenment  organization. His main jobs included IoT/M2M business and International standardization activities as a member of OneM2M, IEEE2413, W3C, ITU-T/SG20, and ISO/IEC/JTC1.

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