Towards Printed Conformable Sensing Surfaces










Dr. Peter Zalar

Senior Research Scientist

Holst Centre





Interest in flexible and stretchable printed electronic devices has increased due to the demand for the simultaneous combination of conformability, ruggedness, and light weights that traditional electronics cannot deliver. Many interesting applications require conformable sensing surfaces. In this presentation, Holst Centre’s progress towards these sensing surfaces will be discussed.



Peter Zalar obtained his Ph.D. in materials chemistry from the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) in 2014. His doctoral research focused on the fundamental characterization of the optical and electronic properties of novel π-conjugated polymers. In 2014, he joined the group of Prof. Takao Someya at The University of Tokyo as a project researcher in the JST ERATO Someya Bio-Harmonized Electronics Project. In that time he worked on the development of optoelectronic devices based on organic semiconductors for electronic skins and medical monitoring. Since January 2017, he is a Senior Research Scientist at Holst Centre in Eindhoven, The Netherlands in the group of hybrid and printed electronics, where his research focuses on printed sensor systems.

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