MEF 15th Anniversary Panel Discussion

The Past, Present, and Future of MEMS Technology

MEMS Engineer Forum (MEF) 2024

10:00-12:00, April 18, 2024


A panel discussion will be held to celebrate the 15th anniversary of MEMS Engineer Forum (MEF). 


Mr. Susumu Kaminaga

Representative Director & Chief Executive

SK Global Advisers Co., Ltd., Japan






神永 晉氏



Susumu Kaminaga studied mechanical engineering at the University of Tokyo before joining Sumitomo Precision Products (SPP), Japan in 1969. He was president of the company from 2004 until June 2012. He established SK Global Advisers Co., Ltd. to provide advice and consultancy from the viewpoint of technological development and strategic management. He lived in Germany for six years in 1980s and in UK for five years in 1990s. Through his career with technological background in the industry, he made a lot of achievements for MEMS, especially, R&D and commercialization of Deep Reactive Ion Etching (DRIE) Technology based on Robert Bosch invented Bosch Process. Initially, he ran Surface Technology Systems (STS) in U.K. to take initiative of the R&D and commercialization of the technology under collaboration with Robert Bosch. He founded SPTS Technologies and SPP Technologies (SPT) as SPP’s affiliated companies to focus on further development and commercialization of MEMS technologies. His given hundreds of speeches inspired researchers, engineers and managers to develop MEMS technology in the world of IoT and smart societies. He was a member of External Advisory Board of the Mechanical Engineering Department at the University of California, Berkeley and is also members of various society of professional engineers.


Dr. Georg Bischopink

Mobility Electronics, VP, Product Area External Business for Automotive Sensors (ME-SE/PAE)

Robert Bosch GmbH







1983-1988  Master’s degree in PHysics University Paderborn, Germany

1988-1992    Ph.D. in Semiconductor Phytiscs: Crystal Growth of (AlGa)Sb., University Freiburg


Professional Experience:

1992-today   Robert-Bosch GmbH, Germany

1992-1995    Quality Assurance, Hybrid and Sensors

1995-1996    Development, MEMS-Sensors

1996-2000    Section Manager, Development MEMS Sensor Products

2000-2008    Director, Bosch MEMS-Production

2008-2012    Director, Bosch Corporate Research Microsystem-Technology

2012-2019    Vice President, Bosch Engineering Sensors for External Customers

2019-today   Vice President Engineering Packaging and Product Area Sensors Automotive (external business Automotive Sensors)


Dr. Masayoshi Esashi




Short Presentation Title:

MEMS making a social contribution


株式会社 メムス・コア

技術責任者 江刺 正喜氏



It’s our great pleasure that Mr. Susumu Kaminaga received 2024 IEEE Robert Bosch Award “For Development and Commercialization of Deep Reactive Ion Etching Technology

”. The deep RIE systems were commercialized in 1995 and have been indispensable tools for MEMS application in our society. He took initiatives in R&D and commercialized the Deep RIE collaborating with Dr. Franz Laermer in Robert Bosch.

It’s our great pleasure as well that Dr. Kurt Petersen in The Silicon Valley Band of Angels received 2019 IEEE Medal of Honor. He succeeded to start up around 10 companies successfully. Cepheid which established in 1996 provided PCR tools for Bacillus anthracis became one of the 100 largest companies in Silicon Valley.

We can learn how to contribute for society from these great seniors in our MEMS community.



Masayoshi Esashi received B.E. and Dr.E. degrees in electronic engineering from Tohoku University, Japan, in 1971 and 1976, respectively. He served as a research associate from 1976, an associate professor from 1981 and professor at Tohoku University from 1990 until 2019. Since 2019 he has been a senior research at Micro System Integration Center in Tohoku University and CTO at MEMS CORE Co. Ltd. His research interests are in MEMS and sensors. 


Prof. Weileun Fang

NTHU Chair Professor/Power Mech. En. Department

National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan







Prof. Fang has been working in the MEMS field for more than 20 years. He received his Ph.D. degree from Carnegie Mellon University (Pittsburgh, PA) in 1995. He joined the National Tsing Hua University (Taiwan) in 1996, where he is now a Chair Professor. He became the IEEE Fellow in 2015 to recognize his contribution in MEMS area. Prof. Fang has published ~500 refereed papers and granted ~120 patents. He is now the Chief Editor of JMM, the Board Member of IEEE TDMR and Sensors and Materials, and the Associate Editor of IEEE Sensors J. He served as the General Chair or Program Chair for many important international conferences: the World Micromachine Summit 2012, IEEE Sensors 2012, and Transducers 2017. He also served as the chair of International Steering Committee of Transducers during 2017-2019. Moreover, he served as the Technical Program committee of IEEE MEMS and Transducers for many years. So far more than 50 PhD and 70 Master students have graduated from Prof. Fang’s group. Most of them are working in the MEMS and micro sensors related companies. Thus, Prof. Fang has close relation with MEMS industries, and is now the Vice Chair of MEMS and Sensors Committee of SEMI Taiwan.


Dr. Hiroki Kuwano

Senior Research Fellow, Professor Emeritus, Tohoku University, Japan





桑野 博喜氏






Hiroki Kuwano received the B.Eng. and M.Eng. degrees in mechanical engineering and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, in 1975, 1977, and 1990, respectively.

He was a Member of the Electrical Communication Laboratories, Nippon Telephone and Telegraph Public Corporation (NTT) for 26 years. He was a visiting scholar at Cornell University in 1988. Since 2003, he has been a Professor at Tohoku University. He has 45 years of experience in research and development and has authored or coauthored over 120 technical papers and books in the fields of MEMS and particle beam processing such as focused ion beams and neutral beams. His interests are SAW sensors, energy harvesters, sensor networks, and multi micro-machined focused ion beam systems particularly for cost effective safety and medical applications.


Dr. Kurt Petersen

Co-Chair of HardTech Group

Silicon Valley Band of Angels









Kurt Petersen received his BS degree cum laude in EE from UC Berkeley in 1970, and a PhD in EE from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1975.  Since 1982, he has co-founded six successful, high-tech companies in Silicon Valley, including NovaSensor (acquired by Amphenol), Cepheid (acquired by Danaher in 2016 for $4B), and SiTime (SITM on NASDAQ).  In 2001, he was awarded the IEEE Simon Ramo Medal for his contributions to MEMS.  Dr. Petersen is a member of the National Academy of Engineering and is a Life Fellow of the IEEE in recognition for his contributions to “the commercialization of MEMS technology”.  In 2011, Dr. Petersen joined the Silicon Valley Band of Angels.  Today, he spends most of his time helping and mentoring early stage, high-tech start-up companies.  In 2019, Dr. Petersen was awarded the IEEE Medal of Honor, IEEE’s highest honor.


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