MEF 2024 Speakers - Alphabetical Order -

MEMS Engineer Forum (MEF) 2024

April 17-18, 2024


The following world leading engineers from innovative companies and top-level researchers from leading-edge academia and research institutes, and experts in business and marketing will share their views for the future "SMART Society Driven by MEMS" at MEF 2024.  


Pierre-Damien Berger

MEMS Business Development Manager

CEA-Leti, France


Presentatioin Title:

Overview of recent technological progress in MEMS at CEA-Leti






• Our institute is a pioneer in the field of physical measurement, using surface MEMS technologies to create integrated inertial sensors and to process the associated data. CEA-Leti offers a new platform (M&NEMS) that makes it possible to create several types of sensors on the same chip and expertly utilizes the latest multimodal data fusion solutions from coding the algorithm to integrating it into a hardware and software solution.

• On top of it, CEA LETI offers many other opportunities like optomecanics components, acoustics components and ultrasound transducers. CEA LETI deals also with the materials, both at the development phase or at the integration one, like the KNN for MEMS actuators I order to answer to the lead issue / PZT replacement.



CEA LETI is a leading MEMS R&D lab working for industry, with more than 150 people working on this topic – world’s largest MEMS R&D institute.

Pierre-Damien was previously the MinaSmart (Euroepan Digital Innovation Hub) director at Minalogic. He worked before as CPS European projects manager, Head of Smart Devices Program, Industrial Partnership Manager and VP Business Development & Communication at CEA-Leti.

With more than 20 years of experience, 10 years in industry, 15 years in R&D serving industry, his experience has allowed him to master the right balance between business and innovation - Understand and listen to needs, identify and select innovative solutions, enhance the functions that meet expectations, communicate to radiate.

Dr. Georg Bischopink

Mobility Electronics, VP, Product Area External Business for Automotive Sensors (ME-SE/PAE)

Robert Bosch GmbH


Presentation Title:

A brief History and Future Outlook of Bosch Inertial-Sensors for Automotive and Consumer Applications



The lecture gives a historical overview of the different generations and a future outlook of inertial sensors at Bosch for automotive and consumer applications.The focus of the history and future development will be:

- Technology MEMS

- ASIC design and technology

- Packaging

- Specification, performance




1983-1988  Master’s degree in PHysics University Paderborn, Germany

1988-1992    Ph.D. in Semiconductor Phytiscs: Crystal Growth of (AlGa)Sb., University Freiburg


Professional Experience:

1992-today   Robert-Bosch GmbH, Germany

1992-1995    Quality Assurance, Hybrid and Sensors

1995-1996    Development, MEMS-Sensors

1996-2000    Section Manager, Development MEMS Sensor Products

2000-2008    Director, Bosch MEMS-Production

2008-2012    Director, Bosch Corporate Research Microsystem-Technology

2012-2019    Vice President, Bosch Engineering Sensors for External Customers

2019-today   Vice President Engineering Packaging and Product Area Sensors Automotive (external business Automotive Sensors)

Dr. Jae Yoong Cho

President and CEO

Enertia Microsystems Inc.


Presentation Title:

Commercialization of high-performance micro birdbath resonator gyroscope (BRG)



I co-founded Enertia Microsystems Inc. (EMI) to commercialize a novel high-performance low-cost Micro Electromechanical Systems (MEMS) gyroscope called the birdbath resonator gyroscope (BRG).  The BRG is the world’s first fused silica vibratory MEMS gyroscope.  The BRG has a potential to achieve 1,000-10,000 times higher performance than current commercial-grade MEMS gyroscopes at a similar cost.  Fused silica is an excellent material due to its high mechanical quality factor (Q) (fused silica can achieve 10-100 times higher Q than silicon).  The BRG is fabricated using a novel micro three-dimensional fused-silica reflow-molding process at a very high temperature (> 1500 C).  The BRG prototypes (BRG-5 and BRG-10) have achieved accuracy and resolution that are among the best from MEMS gyroscopes reported to date.  The BRG is believed to make strong commercial impacts in existing and future automotive, robotic, consumer electronics, and aerospace applications requiring low-cost, low-power, and precise position sensing such as navigation in areas with no GPS signals.



Jae Yoong Cho is the CEO and President of EMI.  He was born in Osaka in 1981.  He grew up in Japan and Korea before he moved to the United States.  He received a Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Michigan (Ann Arbor, USA) in Electrical Engineering in 2012.  He was a postdoctoral research fellow (2012-2015) and an assistant research scientist (2015-2021) at the University of Michigan.  His research focus was on the design, fabrication, and control of high-performance MEMS gyroscopes.  In his research career, designed and fabricated several silicon and fused-silica MEMS gyroscopes including the BRG.  He co-founded EMI in 2017.  He was on the technical program committee of the IEEE Transducers Conference in 2021 and the IEEE Inertial Conference in 2018, 2022, and 2023.

Dr. William Clark

VP of Quantum Development, Infleqtion, USA


Presentation Title:

Quantum Technology at Infleqtion







Dr. Clark will provide an overview of Infleqtion, talk about their broad spectrum of quantum technologies under development, and share near-term product offerings in optical atomic clocks and quantum RF sensors.



Dr. William Clark is Vice President of Quantum Development at Infleqtion, where he leads the development of innovative quantum technologies. William is an accomplished industry leader with over two decades of experience in business development, leadership, and research development of cutting-edge communications and sensing systems. William holds a Ph.D. in Atomic, Molecular and Optical (AMO) physics from the University of Colorado, Boulder. William also serves as a Board Member at the University of Arizona (UA) Center for Quantum Networking (CQN); and was Chairman of the Quantum Economic Development Consortium (QED-C) Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) for Quantum Computing, Communications, Security, and Sensing.

Prof. Weileun Fang

NTHU Chair Professor/Power Mech. En. Department

National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan


Presentation Title:






Taiwan has a complete semiconductor eco-system. It’s cost-effective to leverage such huge semiconductor resources to promote MEMS technologies. This talk will share the experience of the Taiwanese semiconductor industry extended from CMOS to MEMS technologies. First, the pros and cons of the CMOS-MEMS sensors will be presented. The inertia and environment sensors are used as the examples. Moreover, the vertical integration process technology for MEMS and CMOS established in the foundry will be discussed. This technology shows a promising solution for MEMS sensors. Recently, the semiconductor foundries are also willing to develop process technologies for new functional materials. This would be a milestone to accelerate the progress of MEMS transducers. In conclusions, it’s my pleasure to see the Taiwanese semiconductor industry has extended their huge resources from CMOS to MEMS. 



Prof. Fang has been working in the MEMS field for more than 20 years. He received his Ph.D. degree from Carnegie Mellon University (Pittsburgh, PA) in 1995. He joined the National Tsing Hua University (Taiwan) in 1996, where he is now a Chair Professor. He became the IEEE Fellow in 2015 to recognize his contribution in MEMS area. Prof. Fang has published ~500 refereed papers and granted ~120 patents. He is now the Chief Editor of JMM, the Board Member of IEEE TDMR and Sensors and Materials, and the Associate Editor of IEEE Sensors J. He served as the General Chair or Program Chair for many important international conferences: the World Micromachine Summit 2012, IEEE Sensors 2012, and Transducers 2017. He also served as the chair of International Steering Committee of Transducers during 2017-2019. Moreover, he served as the Technical Program committee of IEEE MEMS and Transducers for many years. So far more than 50 PhD and 70 Master students have graduated from Prof. Fang’s group. Most of them are working in the MEMS and micro sensors related companies. Thus, Prof. Fang has close relation with MEMS industries, and is now the Vice Chair of MEMS and Sensors Committee of SEMI Taiwan.


Dr. Akiko Gadda

Customer Tech. Support Manager



Presentation Title:

Advanced Silicon Wafers for Optimized MEMS and RF MEMS Device Performance




In response to the semiconductor market demands, OKMETIC as a silicon wafer supplier is strategically aligning its efforts to produce value-added wafers that not only meet cost targets but also exceed quality benchmarks. This presentation aims to provide a comprehensive overview of our latest capabilities, with a specific focus on Bonded Silicon-On-Insulator (BSOI) and Cavity SOI (C-SOI®) wafers designed for MEMS sensors, microstructures, and systems. As supplemental information, our substrate for the RF MEMS device application will be introduced. In the RF substrate market, a clear trend indicates a demand for wafers with very high resistivity with trap-rich layers. Our engineered Ultra High Resistivity wafers fulfill such criteria and have demonstrated improved performance. 

Empirically, we recognize the importance of Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) and time to the MEMS market. We are actively collaborating with device manufacturers to develop substrates optimized for both device specifications and seamless processes, ensuring a smooth transition to future volume manufacturing scenarios.



Dr. Akiko Gädda is Customer Support Manager at Okmetic. She is responsible for technical customer support in Europe and Japan. With over ten years of experience in the field of semiconductor device fabrication and an additional decade of relative experience in related fields, she possesses strong expertise in understanding the needs of MEMS manufacturers and optimizing wafer solutions. In addition to her role at Okmetic, Dr. Gädda is an Adjunct Researcher at the Helsinki Institute of Physics, University of Helsinki. She specializes in semiconductor radiation detection and processing, having published international research papers and contributed to the integration of Si detector modules for the CERN LHC experiment.

Ms. Jessica Gomez

Founder & CEO

Rogue Valley Microdevices, Inc.


Presentation Title:

Customization for all: The strategic role of High-Mix, Low-Volume MEMS Foundries





In recent years, the MEMS industry has witnessed significant growth, playing a pivotal role in innovation in the automotive, biomedical, industrial, and agricultural industries, along with many others. However, manufacturing MEMS devices has never been an easy game. While the semiconductor industry has benefitted from standardized process flows that reduce manufacturing costs and speed design-to-delivery, the MEMS industry continues to rely on process customization for each new device that goes to market. 

In this session, Jessica will provide insight into the latest MEMS technology and business trends, along with providing an inside view of Rogue Valley Microdevices’ technical capabilities, how the company strategically works with customers as a manufacturing partner, and how they built diversity into the business. Jessica views High-Mix MEMS foundries as an important part of the broader ecosystem of innovation, and she will share how Rogue Valley Microdevices will continue to prioritize support for a wide variety of MEMS technology as the company expands into their second facility.



As founder and CEO of Rogue Valley Microdevices, Jessica Gomez has created a world-class precision MEMS foundry in the heart of Southern Oregon. Integral to her role as CEO, Ms. Gomez practices a business philosophy of offering best-in-class process technology and R&D expertise to customers, to help them achieve the highest quality and reliability in their products. In 2018, Ms. Gomez was selected for the prestigious SEMI Board of Industry Leaders and is serves on MEMS and Sensors Industry Group Governing Council the SEMI also recognized her in its first Spotlight on SEMI Women, which honors accomplished women in the global microelectronics industry. Prior to founding Rogue Valley Microdevices in 2003, Ms. Gomez honed her experience in semiconductor processing and production management through positions at Standard Microsystems Corporation, Integrated Micromachines and Xponent Photonics. 


Community involvement:

She was appointed by the Governor of Oregon to serve on the Oregon Health Policy Board and the Oregon Business Development Commission. She has extensive experience in higher education policy and recently completed her term on the Oregon Institute of Technology Board of Trustees where she served as the board chair. Jessica is also married and is the mother of two beautiful daughters.

Mr. Hideharu Itatani

Manager Process Development Department Ⅲ

Process Development Division



Presentation Title:

Ultrathick Low-Stress LPCVD Poly-Si Film for MEMS Application



プロセス開発本部 第三プロセス開発部 主任技師 板谷 秀治氏

演題:MEMS向け極厚膜低ストレスLPCVD Poly-Si膜



25 μm thick poly-Si with low stress and low stress gradient was realized using a LPCVD processing. The stress is only -6.5 MPa and the stress gradient is almost negligible, -0.65 MPa/μm. Such low stress characteristic has been enabled by “inhibition layer inserted structure” (ILIS). This poly-Si will contribute to improved performance as a new structural material for MEMS.



Hideharu Itatani received the B.S. and M.S. degree in chemical engineering from Kanazawa University, Ishikawa .

In 1991, he joined KOKUSAI ELECTRIC CORPORATION, where he engaged in research of high-k dielectrics films and metal films for DRAM capacitors.

Since 2019 he has been developing CVD process and mass production equipment for MEMS.

Mr. Susumu Kaminaga

Representative Director & Chief Executive

SK Global Advisers Co., Ltd., Japan


Presentation Title:

Development and Commercialization of Deep Reactive Ion Etching (DRIE) Technology to contribute to further growth of MEMS



代表取締役 神永 晉氏

演題: MEMSの更なる発展に寄与するシリコン深掘り技術(DRIE)の開発と事業化/産業化



Deep Reactive Ion Etching (DRIE) Technology has been developed and commercialized based on Robert Bosch invented Bosch Process and contributed to the remarkable growth of MEMS. Especially, smart phones and Internet of Things (IoT) have emerged thanks to evolution of MEMS. It has been said in the MEMS society that those applications could not be made available without the development and commercialization of DRIE technology. The speaker has taken initiative of the development and commercialization of the DRIE technology in the past 30 years. He is the recipient of the 2024 IEEE EDS Robert Bosch Micro and Nano Electro Mechanical Systems Award and his talk will summarize history of development and commercialization of the DRIE technology as well as strategy and tactics he has always kept in his mind and executed.



Susumu Kaminaga studied mechanical engineering at the University of Tokyo before joining Sumitomo Precision Products (SPP), Japan in 1969. He was president of the company from 2004 until June 2012. He established SK Global Advisers Co., Ltd. to provide advice and consultancy from the viewpoint of technological development and strategic management. He lived in Germany for six years in 1980s and in UK for five years in 1990s. Through his career with technological background in the industry, he made a lot of achievements for MEMS, especially, R&D and commercialization of Deep Reactive Ion Etching (DRIE) Technology based on Robert Bosch invented Bosch Process. Initially, he ran Surface Technology Systems (STS) in U.K. to take initiative of the R&D and commercialization of the technology under collaboration with Robert Bosch. He founded SPTS Technologies and SPP Technologies (SPT) as SPP’s affiliated companies to focus on further development and commercialization of MEMS technologies. His given hundreds of speeches inspired researchers, engineers and managers to develop MEMS technology in the world of IoT and smart societies. He was a member of External Advisory Board of the Mechanical Engineering Department at the University of California, Berkeley and is also members of various society of professional engineers.

Mr. Yoshitaka Kato

Sr. Manager, Functional Devices Division

Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd.


Presentation Title:

Advancements in Automotive high performance 3-axis Gyro MEMS: Technological Breakthroughs



機能デバイス事業部 機能デバイス商品開発3部

シニアマネージャー 加藤 良隆氏




Our presentation introduces the latest development in automotive 3-axis gyro MEMS, highlighting its technical features and providing a historical background on how we achieved this milestone after many years of dedicated research and development in MEMS inertial sensors.



Yoshitaka Kato, a graduate of Chiba University with a master’s degree in science, has been a member of Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd for over 20 years, specializing in inertial MEMS sensor product development.

During his time at Murata Electronics Oy in Finland from 2012 to 2017, Yoshitaka served as a gyro-MEMS design engineer and played a key role in the development of inertial MEMS sensors for automotive applications.

Dr. Takeshi Kobayashi

Planning Officer, IT Industry Division

Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), Japan


Presentation Title:

Semiconductor Strategy in Japan




商務情報情報産業課 企画官

小林 健氏






Takeshi Kobayashi received the Ph.D. degree at the University of Tokyo in 2002. He joined National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) in 2002. From 2015 to 2022, he was team leader of MEMS and sensors research team. From 2023, He has moved to Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and is working as planning officer of IT industry division. 

Dr. Pawel Latawiec

Chief Technology Officer

Metalenz, USA


Presentation Title:

Metasurface optics for 3D sensing and beyond











Consumer electronics have shaped the landscape of high-volume optical devices, particularly with the proliferation of advanced use cases via mobile phones. We discuss applications of meta-optics to 3D sensing and related application areas, highlighting their unique implications on optical system design.



Pawel Latawiec is the CTO at Metalenz, where he leads metasurface design and engineering efforts. He holds a B.S. in Physics from the California Institute of Technology and a PhD in Applied Physics from Harvard University. Currently, his team is focused on constructing novel architectures for metasurface imaging and illumination and developing computational techniques for scalable objective-first design and fabrication.

Mr. Jérome MOULY

Deputy Director, More than Moore Business Line



Presentation Title:

Trends, promising applications and ecosystem polarization

– a status of the MEMS Industry








Massive transformation in the automotive end-market related to the electrification of cars, or autonomous driving, along with mega-trends of the industry 4.0 are expected to support the growth of the MEMS industry, offsetting the relative stagnation of the consumer market. This should lead to new market opportunities for MEMS micromirrors, microphones, microbolometers or allow shifting to new applications for more conventional devices like Pressure sensors. Fluctuation in the demand along with economic disturbances are showing a polarization of the ecosystem, leading to heterogeneous innovation processes. 

The presentation will show a status of the MEMS industry and the key trends of the next 5 years. It will also highlight the evolution of the MEMS ecosystem in the current global economic context.

Yole is delighted to be invited to the MEMS Engineer Forum to present the 20th edition of our best-seller report “Status of the MEMS Industry”. 



Jérôme Mouly is Deputy Director, More than Moore Business Line at Yole Group.

Jérôme manages the expansion of the technical expertise and market know-how of the team. In addition, Jerome’s mission focusses on the management of business relationships with company leaders and the development of market research and strategy consulting activities.

He has conducted more than 100 marketing and technological analyses for industrial groups, start-ups, and institutes in the field of MEMS and sensing technologies.

Jérôme has been also deeply engaged in Yole Group's finance activities with a dedicated focus on the commercial exploitation of smart system technologies and access to funding opportunities.

Jérôme is regularly involved in international conferences, with presentations and keynotes.

Jérôme Mouly earned a Master of Physics degree from the University of Lyon (FR).


Dr. Hidekazu Nakanishi

Director, BAW Development

Skyworks Filter Solutions Japan Co.


Presentation Title:

RF filter technology that enables mobile evolution



BAW Developmentディレクター

中西 秀和氏



The talk will trace the evolution of BAW and SAW technologies in RF filters, highlighting significant advancements in both design and manufacturing processes over the years. This journey will encompass the early developments, showcasing how these technologies have matured from their initial stages to become pivotal components in modern communication systems. The discussion will delve into key milestones, breakthroughs, and innovative techniques that have shaped the landscape of RF filters. Additionally, the talk will address the impact of these technological advancements on industries and applications relying on RF communication.



Hidekazu Nakanishi was born in Osaka, Japan, in 1974. He received B.S. and M.S. degrees in electrical and electronic engineering from Ritsumeikan University, Shiga, Japan, in 1998 and 2000, respectively. He received Ph.D. degree in electrical and electronic engineering from Chiba University, Chiba, Japan in 2012. He joined Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd., Osaka, Japan., in 2000. He worked for Panasonic Electronic Devices Co., Ltd., from 2000 to 2015. He worked for Skyworks solutions, Inc., from 2015. He has been involved in research and development of SAW/BAW devices for mobile communication applications. He is currently a Technical Director of BAW Development Department.

Dr. Kurt Petersen

Silicon Valley Band of Angels


Presentation Title:

Creating the Future with MEMS









Each of today’s engineering marvels, such as airplanes, cars, computers, cell phones, skyscrapers, cruise ships, and the ISS, which many of us take for granted, are only made possible by many, many layers of almost unbelievably complicated technologies.  Every year, each one of these technologies (metal-working, plastics, electronics, packaging, automation, assembly, sensors, software, etc) is slightly improved to perform better, to become more reliable, to get smaller, or to get cheaper.  Nowhere, of course, has this been more evident than for integrated circuits, which has followed Moore’s law (the number of transistors on a chip will double every two years with minimal rise in cost) for over 50 years.  MEMS, a subset of integrated circuit technology, has not only improved in performance, size, reliability, and cost, over the years, but also, amazingly, in functionality.  Almost every 2 years, a new MEMS product hits the market with a completely new and different functionality than previous devices.  From pressure devices (1970’s and 1980’s), to ink jet nozzles (1990’s), to accelerometers (1990’s), to digital mirror displays (1990’s), to microphones (2000’s), to FBAR filters (2000’s), to gyroscopes (2000’s), to oscillators (2010’s), to speakers (2010’s), to ultrasonic imagers (2020’s), to mention just a few.  Visionaries and entrepreneurs and academic researchers have pioneered the invention, development, and commercialization of these revolutionary products.  This talk will focus on the continuous introduction of new MEMS products and functionalities over the years, the visionary MEMS pioneers who made this possible, and what this portends for the future of MEMS.



Kurt Petersen received his BS degree cum laude in EE from UC Berkeley in 1970.  In 1975, he received a PhD in EE from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.  Dr. Petersen established a micromachining research group at IBM from 1975 to 1982, during which he wrote the review paper “Silicon as a Mechanical Material,” published in the IEEE Proceedings (May 1982).  This paper is the most frequently referenced work in the field of micromachining and micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS).


Since 1982, Dr. Petersen has co-founded six companies in MEMS technology, Transensory Devices Inc. in 1982, NovaSensor in 1985 (now owned by Amphenol), Cepheid in 1996 (acquired by Danaher in 2016), SiTime in 2004 (now listed as SITM on NASDAQ), Profusa in 2008 (still private), and Verreon in 2009 (acquired by Qualcomm).  


In 2011, Dr. Petersen joined the Silicon Valley Band of Angels.  The Band is an angel investment group which mentors and invests in early stage, high-tech, start-up companies.  Today, he spends most of his time helping and mentoring such companies.


Dr. Petersen has published over 100 papers, and has been granted over 35 patents in the field of MEMS.  He was awarded the prestigious IEEE Medal of Honor in 2019 as well as the IEEE Simon Ramo Medal in 2001 for his contributions to MEMS.  Dr. Petersen is a member of the National Academy of Engineering and is a Life Fellow of the IEEE in recognition of his contributions to “the commercialization of MEMS technology”.

Dr. Carlo Luigi Prelini

MEMs Technology Development

STMicroelectronics s.r.l. Italy


Presentation Title:

The challenge of innovation driven by sustainability: ST vision on piezo MEMS






STMicroelectronics is a global semiconductor company offering the widest range of MEMS products within the full spectrum of applications. This success is driven by the combination of micromachining expertise and creativity, innovation in products and applications, high-volume manufacturing capability and collaboration with strategic partners.

Today the rising demand for technology centers on the desire to improve our interactions with the world around us, adding more devices that help humans in daily life. Following this trend, a newly arisen awareness has moved the industry to reduce its impact on the environment and to ensure a respectful coexistence of humanity and earth.

ST’s experience and vision in piezo MEMS are  presented here with a focus on the commitment to continuing to pave the way for a sustainable future.



Carlo Prelini received his Msc degree in Materials Engineering at Politecnico di Milano in 2005. He joined STMicrolectronics in 2006, first working on Embedded Non volatile memories (Flash and Phase Change) as process integration engineer. In 2014, Carlo moved to the MEMS R&D team to cover a position of technolgy development engineer. His experience is mainly focused in the development of piezoelectrically actuated MEMS devices, for diverse applications (inkjet printer, loudspeaker, micro-mirror for AR employment and PMUTs). During the last 10 years he led several product development projects, from the concept to the industrialization phase, collaborating with both international research centers and final customers. He is co-author of 16 patents and several scientific publications.

Mr. Magnus Rimskog

Sales Director

Silex Microsystems AB, USA


Presentation Title:

Building MEMS development and volume capability at Silex








MEMS application is the fastest growth segment in semiconductor industry over the last 5 years. Silex operates a Pure Play MEMS foundry model with customers across the Globe and manufacturing facilities both in Beijing, China and Stockholm, Sweden.   For the past four years, Silex have been ranked as the leading player in MEMS foundry.   With complicated world-wide supply chain and increasing competition in the industry, there has been a mandate to duplicate capabilities across the fabs to expand Silex customer base and further strengthen capability and leadership position in both development and volume capability.   This talk will cover how Silex has adapted to the new industrial challenges by adding development competences to the Beijing facility while at the same time aggressively expanding volume production capacity in the Stockholm, Sweden facility.



Magnus Rimskog has worked with the development of technology in both an engineering and a business capacity for 27 years.  The last 20 of which have been at Silex Microsystems. He holds an M.Sc. in physics from The Lund Institute of Technology. Originally, he specialized in Optics, but then switched over to the MEMS industry. In his current position, Magnus has overseen a variety of different products from their concept through to volume manufacturing. He has also seen Silex’ Swedish facility grow from 20 to around 400 employees. He is passionate about the development of new technology, and especially about how these technologies help improve people’s quality of life. He was inducted into the SEMI MEMS & Sensors Industry Group’s Hall of Fame in 2014.

Prof. Manabu Tokeshi

Professor, Division of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering

Hokkaido University


Presentation Title:

Development of Engineered Lipid Nanoparticles Using Microfluidic Devices



大学院工学研究院応用化学部門教授 渡慶次 学氏




Nowadays, the production of lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) using microfluidic devices has attracted much attention. Microfluidic devices provide many advantages for drug-loaded LNP production, including precise LNP size controllability, high reproducibility, high-throughput optimization of LNP formulation, and continuous LNP-production processes. Various microfluidic devices have been developed and used to produce LNPs encapsulating RNA, DNA, ribonucleoproteins (RNPs), drugs, and others. In fact, microfluidic devices are also being used in the development of Onpattro®, which was approved by the FDA in 2018 as an RNA interference therapeutic drug. Recently, we developed a microfluidic device named iLiNP® (invasive lipid nanoparticle production) device for LNP production based on computational fluid dynamics and LNP formation mechanism. It enabled the LNP size tuning at 10 nm intervals in the size range from 20 to 100 nm. Using this device, we have not only developed pharmaceutical applications by producing LNPs encapsulating nucleic acids and drugs, but also devices integrating the post-processing of LNP production and devices for mass production. Moreover, very recently, we have found that iLiNP devices are also highly suitable for the fabrication of functional (engineered) lipid nanoparticles such as artificial exosomes and virus-like particles. In this lecture I will present these results.



Manabu Tokeshi is a Professor at the Division of Applied Chemistry at Hokkaido University.  He is also a Visiting Professor at Innovative Research Center for Preventive Medical Engineering and Institute of Innovation for Future Society at Nagoya University.  He served an Editor of Sensors and Actuators B (Elsevier: 2013-2017) and serves an Associate Editor of Lab on a Chip (RSC: 2018-).  He received his PhD degree from Kyushu University in 1997.  After a research fellow of the Japan Society of Promotion of Science at The University of Tokyo, he worked at Kanagawa Academy of Science and Technology as a research staff (1998-1999), a group subleader (1999-2003), and a group leader (2003-2004).  He also worked at the Institute of Microchemistry Technology Co. Ltd. as President (2004-2005) and at Nagoya University as an Associate Professor (2005-2011).  In 2011, he visited Karolinska Institutet as a Visiting researcher and he joined the Hokkaido University as a Professor.  His research interests are in the development of micro- and nano-systems for chemical, biochemical, and clinical applications.

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