Materials - 20th am

Dr. Hiroki KUWANO

Professor, Director of Micro/Nanomachining Research and Education Center, Tohoku University

Dr. Hiroki Kuwano.pdf
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Dr. Kazuo KYUMA

EXECUTIVE MEMBER of the Council for Science, Technology and Innovation, Cabinet Office


Kazuo Kyuma received  BS, MS, and Ph.D. degrees all in electronic engineering from Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo Japan, in 1972, 1974 and 1977, respectively. He joined Mitsubishi Electric in 1977, where he started as a research engineer in the present Advanced Technology R&D Center (ATC) and then moved up to various management positions. In 2003, he was promoted as the general manager of the ATC. He then became Vice President, Research and Development (Executive Officer) in 2006,    Group President of Semiconductor & Device (Senior Executive Officer) in 2010, Executive Vice President in 2011,Executive Corporate Senior Advisor in 2012. Since March 2013, he has become Exective Member of the Council for Science, Technology and Innovation, Cabinet Office, Government of Japan.

Dr. Kazuo Kyuma.pdf
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Professor, Muroran Institute of Technology


Prof. Kishigami served as a Professor at UTAR in Malaysia in 2012 through 2013. Before that, he had been working at NTT Lab and NTT America more than 30 years. During NTT era, he had been studying and heading a variety of fields such as solid state physics through ICT and IPTV. As his academia aspect, he served as a Professor at Univ. of Tokyo, a Visiting Professor at Kochi Univ. of Tech, Rikkyo Univ. and a Adjunct Professor at Hokkaido Univ. Also he has been committed as a member or leader at more than 20 government committees. He was elected as only Japanese member at W3C Advisory Board in 2014.

Dr. Junichi Kishigami.pdf
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Senior General Manager, Micro Devices H.Q, , OMRON Corporation


Yoshio Sekiguchi has joined OMRON Corporation in 2006, and presently serves as Senior General Manager of Micro Devices Division, focusing on MEMS technology and product development to drive the business growth.

He has been assigned as a member of Governing Council in MEMS Industry Group since 2011 for Global MEMS market growth. Prior to OMRON, he spent over 24 years in Semiconductor industry and experienced various technologies and market segments at Motorola / Freescale Semiconductor Ltd.

MEFConferenceApril2015 FNL.pdf
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Guillaume GIARADIN

Technology & Market Analyst, MEMS & Sensors at Yole Développement

Guillaume Girardin works as a Market & Technology Analyst for MEMS devices and technologies at Yole Développement. Guillaume holds a Ph.D. In Physics and Nanotechnology from Claude Bernard University Lyon 1 and a M.Sc. in Technology and Innovation Management from EM Lyon School of Business.

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Tetsuya WADAKI

Managing Director, Electronics Team, Equity Research Department of Nomura Securities Co., Ltd.


He graduated from Waseda University in 1991 and served Tokyo Electron co., Ltd.

Since 2000, he has been an Analyst responsible for precision machinery, semiconductor manufacturing equipment sector at Nomura Securities CO., Ltd.

He published "Solar industry to explode" (Toyo Keizai) and 'Thorough analysis semiconductor equipment industries"(National Committee) in 2008.

He was chosen as the top analyst by the Institutional Investor Magazine in 2010. And also he ranked 1st as the most popular analyst covering the precision semiconductor manufacturing equipment sector in 2011 by Nikkei Veritas  

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MEMS Business Development Manager, CEA Leti


Julien Arcamone graduated from INSA Lyon in Materials Engineering in 2003 and received a PhD in Electronic Engineering in 2007 from CNM-IMB (CSIC) and the Autonomous University of Barcelona (Spain). Then, he spent several years as staff research scientist in the Micro and Nanosystems group at CEA-LETI MINATEC in Grenoble (France). His research area involved the design of MEMS and NEMS devices for advanced sensing and actuating applications, as well as the integration of nanomechanical devices with CMOS circuitry. In 2012, he was appointed Manager of Business development in MEMS, within the Silicon Components division of LETI. Dr. Arcamone has authored or co-authored more than 50 peer-reviewed scientific publications and is the co-inventor of seven patents.

Dr. Julien Arcamone.pdf
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