2021 Vol.2 – MEF 2021 Exhibitor/Sponsor Highlight Part II MEF2021 exhibitors and sponsors are almost decided/Plan for virtual booth tour steadily in progress

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2021 Vol.2 – MEF 2021 出展社・スポンサーハイライト Part II MEF2021の出展社・スポンサーが出揃うバーチャルブースツアー、着々と準備進行中

編集:稲子みどり(MEF組織委員会執行委員/Holst Centre Japan, Region Manager)

 MEMS Engineer Forum (MEF)の開催が迫っています。開催月となり、出展社・スポンサーがほぼ出揃いました。





田中 秀治様(MEF組織委員会 委員長)

三宅 亮様(同 副委員長)

桑野 博喜様(MEF インターナショナルアドバイザリーコミッティ 委員長)

江刺 正喜様(同 副委員長)

神永 晉様(同 副委員長)

小林 直人様(同 副委員長)




BBL Exhibitor Presentation/BBL Virtual Booth Tourはランチを召し上がりながらご参加ください

出展者プレゼンテーション(3回のうち2回)やバーチャルブースツアーの時間帯は、日本時間のランチタイムです。MEFでは、BBL(Brown Bag Lunch:茶色の紙袋に入れたお昼ご飯)Presentation/BBL Virtual Booth Tourと称します。お昼を食べながら、出展者セミナーを聞いたりブースツアーを見物できたりするのは、オンラインならではと言えます。ランチを取りながら質疑などの会話も交わして頂けますようお願い申し上げます。

●出展社・スポンサーハイライト Part II







独SUSS MicroTecは,半導体製造の中間工程/後工程向けのウェーハプロセス装置(マスクアライナ、コータ&デベロッパ、ウェーハボンダ)を提供しています。300mmウェーハまでの半自動装置および全自動装置をラインナップしています。新たに、インクジェット・プリンタの提供を開始しています。










参加登録はこちらから プログラムスケジュールはこちらから 



MEF 2021 Exhibitor/Sponsor Highlight Part II


MEF2021 exhibitors and sponsors are almost decided

Plan for virtual booth tour steadily in progress


MEMS Engineer Forum (MEF) is imminent. It's the month of the event, and almost all exhibitors and sponsors has been decided.

Meanwhile, the executive committee and secretariat are currently preparing for the first plan of MEF virtual booth tour. In order to bring vitality to the online exhibition, the intention is to introduce the exhibition contents of each company from the perspective unique to MEF and share the live feeling with the tour participants.

Today, we will announce 6 tour leaders have decided as follows. They are our wonderful authorities who have contributed to the development and operation of MEF. Tour participants will be free to choose their desired tour.


◎MEF2021 Virtual Booth Tour leaders

Shuji Tanaka(Chair, MEF Organizing Committee)

Ryo Miyake(Vice Chair, MEF Organizing Committee)

Hiroki Kuwano(Chair, MEF International Advisory Committee)

Masayoshi Esashi(Vice Chair, MEF International Advisory Committee)

Susumu Kaminaga(Vice Chair, MEF International Advisory Committee)

Naoto Kobayashi(Vice Chair, MEF International Advisory Committee)

Even though in a short time, related technical topics and inside story will be drawn from each tour leader. Please look forward to the interactive conversation with the participants/exhibitors.

Other detailed information will be released one by one. We hope you will pay attention to the next announcement.


BBL Exhibitor Presentation/BBL Virtual Booth Tour-Bring your lunch and join the session

MEF Exhibitor Presentation and Virtual Booth Tour is scheduled during lunch time in Japan time.  We call the Brown Bag Exhibitor Presentation/Brown Bag Virtual Booth Tour.  Please prepare your “Brown Bag” lunch with you, join the session, eating lunch and communicating with other participants and exhibitors.

●Exhibitor/Sponsor Highlight Part II

We will publish the outline and highlights of each company that has decided to participate. Please use it as advance information for participation in MEF2021. The numbers are serial numbers in the order of publication.


Sponsor Highlight 4:SUSS MicroTec/Kanematsu PWS

SUSS MicroTec provides wafer process equipment (mask aligners, coaters & developers, wafer bonders) for intermediate / post-processes of semiconductor manufacturing. They have a lineup of semi-automatic equipment and fully automatic equipment up to 300 mm wafers. Also, they are launching a new inkjet printer.

SUSS MicroTec can flexibly respond to consultations on processes and equipment regarding photolithography, wafer bonding, temporary bonding / peeling for MEMS, LEDs, power devices, advanced packaging, and 3D laminated devices.


Sponsor Highlight 5:INNOTECH

INNOTECH provides total solutions for solving problems related to device testing for all users, based on the know-how cultivated in semiconductor wafer testing.

MEMS device test handler flexibly responds to user requests and provides a test environment on a common platform from semi-automatic machines for development to fully automatic machines for mass production.

By providing total solutions related to device testing such as MEMS device test handlers, testers and test programs, INNOTECH supports MEF2021 visitors/users to solve their problems.


Editor:  Midori Inako

Click here for online registration   Program Schedule   Contact: mef_2021@semiconportal.com 


MEF 2021 Program schedule is available here.

MEF 2021プログラムはこちらで参照頂けます。


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